Friday, 29 November 2019

Big foot bike 2019

Did you know that you get a $55 fine if you get caught riding a bike without a helmet? Well I didn't! lets get started! On Thursday the 28th of November Hauraki and Nirvana-Jayde got to ride bikes! There were numbers for the bikes like 1907 or 1902 well mine was 1905! My bike was a orange gray blackish kind of one. I got to be a model for a bike patrol. I had to wear a bag helmet and a jacket! I also learned if you don't have a strap on your helmet you tighten it. Righty tighty Loosely gooesy! I could tell you more but well move on to the biking, at first I didn't know how to ride a bike! Until Henry, Sheryl and Ms Sands showed me how to. I'll tell you! First you have to put up your left/right paddle and put your left/right knee. Put your other foot on the ground and push both of your legs. If your not ready just start warming up with pushing your legs of the ground and you will start to feel the balance start doing it 2 more times and then you will be ready to ride a bike. I was in the training sorry about that... Anyway at the end we got a pencil and a pin! That's all I remember I'm sorry! But I might get a bike for xmas! Anyway bye!

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